Saturday, February 19, 2005

Going on shoot

I went on shoot on Thursday which was really interesting. I didn't really do much as it was outside the SU Bar so no props etc were used. It was interesting to see the different camera angles and when I watched it that night it all made sense. The Director was a nutter though!
The total so far for the sky dive has gone up to about £900 now! so all that side is going really well.
Also a big thank you to Roberts Bakery who have donated £50.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Thank you!

I just want to say a huge thank you for everyones support! I've raised about £600!!!
thanks everyone!

the plane and opening the chute!

the plane and opening the chute!
Originally uploaded by jellams.
this is me just coming out of the plane and then when the chute opened after 30 seconds of freefall! it was amazing! I would highly recommend it!!!1

free fall

free fall.jpg
Me freefalling at 120mph!!!

The plane!


Friday, February 04, 2005

sky dive tomorrow!!!!

oh my goodness the time had nearly come for me to throw myself out of a plane!!
not really that nervous as I am not thinking about it too much!
I just want to say a massive thank you toeveryone who has supported me! You have all been so generous and I am really overwhelmed by you all!
I will hopefully post soepic of my dive tomorrow
Hollyoaks is still going really well I'm really enjoying it and loving all the hands on part of it
You WILL watch it over easter and you WILL appreciate all the bows as I spent 8 hours doing them all!