Saturday, June 22, 2013

Back in Brazil!!!!

After over a year away from Brazil and 9 months and 14 days away from Fabio , I am finally back and with the Fabster!!!!!!!

I was dreading the flight, worried about the excess baggage, connecting flights, transfer airports at Sao Paulo and crossing the city in rush hour, but it was all fine! I ended up pay a hefty amount in excess baggage, but unlike last time it all arrived at my final destination.

I had extra legroom on my 12 hour flight, although it was a bit turbulent. The bus transfer across Sao Paulo was really easy and even at peak time took about 2 hours. It was raining a lot and flights to all the airports near Joinville had been closed, fortunately Navegantes the one I flew into wasn't and I just had a 45 minute delay!

So all in all a pretty stressless flight!

The new house is lovely, more pictures to come when it's sunny.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lots of things have happened in the past few weeks....

a Men Do (a hen party with my male friends)

A hen party with friends, including a very classy afternoon tea, then cocktail making, then some serious dancing!

Moved out of Sheffield and back to in with the parents

A hen party with family and old neighbours, my Brown Owl and Playgroup leader!
Refresher driving lessons, after 10 years of not driving!
Several trips to the charity shop, to donate around 6 bin bags of clothes
Gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Post-compulsory Education and Training (PCET) specialising in teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) - YES I  PASSED!
And on Thursday I fly back out to Brazil after over 9 months away from my fiancé! :D