Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I thought I had better do another update seeing as I haven't for ages and have a comment even though it is from some random stranger!!
Well, only 14 weeks until I finish uni - whohoo although have NO clue whatI am going to do next which is slightly scary! I know I want to stay up in Huddersfield but I will need to find a job ASAP as already have no money!
I'm not even sure what job I want I know it is definately not doing interior design although from what my tutors seem to say the money is really good! I want a job that will make a difference and be something that I enjoy. Preferably with Ben close by as the last 3 years apart have been pretty hard going. Although it does have its advantages as I have nothing to distract me from my uni work.
But at the moment its all up in the air and just trying to get though university at the moment. *sigh*
Ideally I'd get a fantastic job with Cross Cultural Solutions and they'd play for some fabulous pad in New York and Ben would get offered a high paid job in NY and it would all fall into place!
Hmmmm well uni work to do. YAWN!!!