The past few weeks have been crazy and the next few are just as bad.
So Friday I left work early to go to Albuquerque, wit Brooke to visit I an a friend of hers out there.Some flights were delayed because of some storms but I had my fingers crossed and Ian had is eyes crossed.
The flight was delayed by about an hour and then we finally got on the plane to sit there for a further hour. I was supposed to meet Brooke in Minnesota where I was hoping the planes were also delayed. Brooke just managed to catch it but I missed it.
So arrive in Minnesota at about 10.30pm bearing in mind I was supposed to be in Albuquerque at 11 and it was a 3 hour flight to ABQ.
So got of the plane with my fingers crossed that the personalized re-booking packages got me to ABQ in the next 3 hours. Te next flight was 11.34 AM!!! THE NEXT DAY.
So not knowing whether to cry or kill the flight attendant, I decided to make the most of being in Minnesota.
I got some random tram to where the ground transportation was, at this time no one was around the airport was practically deserted. There were a couple of guys just finishing up at the car rental place.
I told them that I was stuck there for the next 12 hours and did they want to take me for a drink, so half an hour later, I am in some random bar in some suburb in Minnesota with a couple of guys buying me early birthday shots. Unfortunately the bars close there at 2am, so they dropped me back off at the airport about 2.30am and I still had about 8 hours to kill.
By now I had find a 24 hour McDonald's that I could use the $10 voucher I ad been given and made friends with DJ, a mechanic at the airport who was originally from Senegal.
Wandered around a bit more, made friends with a cleaner, played on some slot machines, won $2 on a scratch card, listened to the same 7 adverts play on a loop, tired to sleep.
BY this time now it is abut 6am and the place is starting to get busy. As I though I would be getting in at 11pm and going straight to the bar, may make up was now smeared all over my face. Fortunately Minnesota airport is pretty much like a mall, so at 7am when the Body shop opened, I ran in trying all the face wipes, moisturizers, concealer, face shimmer etc to make my self look slightly presentable!
Finally my plane was ready to board, after being stuck there for 12 hours, I thought I deserved bumping up to 1st class, so I asked. and got bumped up!!
So had drinks in an actual wine glass before we took off, a posh salad on a china plate, chocolate ice cream and all kinds!
So finally made it ABQ 13 hours after I was supposed to!
ABQ is sooooo different from NY, it deserty but foresty

So off to camp in some Indian Reserve

We camped Saturday night,

Then got stuck in flipping Minnesota AGAIN for 3 hours on the way back.
But all in all it was a very sort but fantastic weekend away!