Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Olympic Torch passes through Chester!

Yesterday the torch came through Chester, as I have lots of spare time on my hands at the moment, I volunteered to help marshal the event. 

I was stationed by the race course, where there was a huge show, which unfortunately I didn't get to see any off.
However I did mange to get a glimpse of the torch as it went past, but as I was technically supposed to be managing the crowd, my photos weren't that good.
 Here are some borrowed from various websites:

Inside the racecourse

 Fortunately I did actually get to hold one! So it was worth standing in the scorching heat in a highly attractive high vis jacket for 5 hours!

 There is also a local news video here.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

After being placed on the reserve list for the PGCE, I received a letter saying that I been offered a place.
So, as of September I will be a student again! It is nice to have a plan for at least the next year and will hopefully bring me better career prospects long term and all that grown up stuff!

As my summer job hasn't started yet I have a lot of time on my hands. I have made all the birthday cards I need for the rest of the year, made all my Christmas cards and started ideas for Christmas presents. I figure that the PGCE is going to be pretty stressful and I know we have a deadline after Christmas so might as well get on top of things now!

I have also started the couch to 5k running plan (let's see how this goes!) and went for a walk up Helsby Hill at the weekend!

Also, today it is 7 years since I went to Brazil and volunteered with Cross-Cultural Solutions!
I have said many times on my blog about it being a life changing amazing experience and it really was.

I have been extremely fortunate and lucky to have had some fantastic experiences and meet so many wonderful people!

Let's hope my luck and adventures continue........