Saturday, September 15, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

So work has been super busy and will remain so until around November time.
Last week I went to Toronto in Canada for the day to train a company who will be partnering with CCS.

Met Dan at the airport has he arrived in the same terminal as me on the way back from Canada - how well planned was that!

Thursday was our T2 event consisting of a BBQ.

Friday got the Amtrack to Boston, which was about 4 hours on the train to train the office in Boston. Dan got the China town bus (a very cheap and slightly crazy bus that was 3 hours late) to Boston where we had the poshest hotel room for free.

The super posh Hotel!

Me in the Christian Science Plaza

Got the crazy bus back on Saturday - only 40 minutes late this time. Met up with some of the girls and took Dan out for a typical NYC night out, consisting of lots of drinks, multiple bars and some karaoke.

Sunday, we went for brunch and mooched around, went to the park,(where we saw a small child on huge stilts just sauntering around?!), Soho and little Italy.

Dan left on Monday and I worked practically every hour possible for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, went out for dinner with my roomates - the first time since well before summer - how can I live with 2 people yet only see them 3 or 4 times week??

Had a meeting at NYU with a potential Spring break group on Thursday and met Alexa for dinner Thursday night and went to this bar that was full of very drunk students, which was extremely amusing - was I ever like that??

Friday we had a girly slumber party in New Roc, drank several bottles of wine, including one hat was opened using a screw driver and hammer as the wine opener had broken. Women can be very resourceful! Had a couple of hours sleep in preparation to volunteer at Larchmount beach picking up litter.
Went to work again for about 5 hours and came home, where I am now sitting having a quite night in in the first night for aaaages!

This week hopefully won't be as bad, off to Michigan Thursday night with Brooke to a beer festival and sort of caught up on work so should be feeling slightly less stressed(?!?)

So I apologise for not replying to emails/IM's/Text messages etc but I don't really have time to breathe at the moment!!

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