Last week Libby and I went to a pole dancing class - it is HARD work!!!
I managed to do a few moves bgot a HUUUUUGE bruise on my leg!
I then went to Wisconsin to a cheese festival. I do also have friend who I met in Costa Rica who lives there but the cheese was a pretty big draw!

The night before said cheese festival we went out fora few beers and dinner.
One of the advertised drinks was PBR (the cheapest beer ever) with a pickled egg in!!!

The main thing the Wisconsin is known for is fried cheese curds, this is cheese.. friend in beer batter... could there be anything worse for you that tastes so good?!

Last weekend some of us from work went out in New Rochelle, who knew New Ro could be so fun!! We went to Silkies The owner claims to have been a play boy bunny and has had the most plastic surgery ever. But she is sooo much fun. We were the only ones in there and we had the juke box on and were singing with a microphone swiftly provided by by Silkie.

But.. the big news - I am going to Ghana!!!! I will be volunteering with CCS in the Volta Region in Hohoe (pronounced Ho-way) in January