Sunday, November 17, 2013

Well... the apartment is finally coming together... slowly.
We bought a kitchen unit on the internet and found out afterwards that it did not include free assembly. So after FIVE hours and a (few!) fights and mistakes we finally finished! The wardrobe also took us another five hours the next day!!


We have another small cupboard to arrive then I can properly set up my office and classroom for private lessons.

I have started my new position at work now which is exciting and unnerving at the same time. I am responsible for training and maintaining standards, which at the moment I am observing all the teachers to check they are teaching to the Callan Method and standard. After all the observation I had during my PGCE, it is a little  strange to be on the other side.

I am also training a new teacher that we have starting, as well as developing new materials such as alternative tests and training materials. I have a crazy schedule now but it's good.
I also have some new private students starting which is exciting to be able to teach them in my 'home classroom'.

We also spent the day at a friend's farm, which turned out to be a surprise engagement party. I was so excited for them as they are such good friends and have really helped and supported us through the wedding and move etc. Some old friends we haven't seen for over a year were also there so it was great to have everyone together.

I am feeling extremely lucky and content at the moment, as everything in life is finally falling into place. I have a great husband who I can finally be with, a good job which challenges me and am surrounded by great friends.

Happy Days!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

The  first few months of married life has been craaazy busy!

I applied for my visa, which was actually a lot easier than I had thought it was going to be.

We were waiting on a super expensive police certificate, that also had to be legalised at the Brazilian Consulate to arrive before I could submit my application. It finally arrived, after 3 weeks along with a birthday present that had been sent 5 days before! I think that the post system here tend to save the letters until they have a decent amount before they deliver them. >:(

I wasn't sure if this certificate would then need to be translated, so after several phone calls, we were told we didn't even need the certificate, just a declaration I could type up myself. After several more phone calls, they also confirmed that it would not need to be officially signed in front of a judge or anything.

I was still highly sceptical and not expecting to actually have my documents accepted, which I nearly did not as the payment slip only did not have my middle name on it.  Seriously Brazilians are obsessed with your full name and you full parents' names.

So everything was fine and I was given a scrappy slip of paper with my photo on, which means I can legally stay in the country and work!! I have to check a website until it has been processed and they put the actually real visa in my passport.. this can take anywhere up to 2 years! And they can ask for further documents as well.

So with this scrappy piece of paper, I applied for a work card, so I can legally work in Brazil. I was told that I had everything I needed by the Federal Police to apply for one, so I made an appointment and went to apply. Turns out I didn't have all the documents I needed and we needed to go back to the Federal Police to get a criminal declaration with of course my whole family's full names on it.

But 2 weeks later I have finally got it!!!

On the fun side of things, we went to Vila da Gloria, a little town on the bay opposite Joinville. We went to a waterfall and ate seafood by the bay.
I have also been asked to present a lecture in Curitiba as part of a Summer Academy training people in cross-cultural communication. I'm excited about mixing with international volunteers and that area again but a little nervous abut having to present a 2 hour lecture on whatever I want!!!
We have also printed out some of our fabulous wedding photos I have a put together a scrapbook/album thing! It was so difficult to choose just a few photos!
And even better news, we have moved!! Fabs and I have an apartment round the corner from work. No more 2 hour commute and 2 super packed rollercoaster bus rides to work anymore!
More details to come!