Monday, April 23, 2012

So I had my PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training interview at Sheffield Hallam on Friday.

First we had a group talk. There were 5 of us, of very mixed age range and background. There was an older lady in her late 40's, 2 guys straight out of uni and a girl in her mid 20's. First we were told about the course and the placements etc and given a chance to ask questions.

I had my interview first, while the other 4 stayed in the room together to do the numeracy and literacy test. We were told that they would have no bearing on whether we were selected or not but were to identify where/if we needed support in the course.

I had prepared 5 pages of questions I had researched off the internet, that covered pretty much every questions I thought I could be asked. Things like how does your degree relate to the national curriculum (try answering that with a retail and exhibition design degree!), what are current issues in further education. I had swotted up on the Department of Education website, the TES website, memorised all the Education Ministers and all kinds.

The 20 minute interview was actually really easy. It was more about personality and showing them your passion for teaching. They are not there to test you on your knowledge of higher education/legislation etc.

The questions I can remember are:
  • what qualities make a good teacher?
  • what qualities do you have as a teacher?
  • why did you decide to become a teacher?
  • why have you decided to do the course now?
  • why Sheffield?
  • what are your weaknesses?
 They did emphasis that the course is very stressful and one of the questions was to give an example of when you had to be emotionally resilient and what you did to cope with it. They also asked what type of placement you would want. You have to be really specific here as they will need to sell you to a placement, as they need to know what you want.

The numeracy test was supposed to be 15 minutes, was 10 questions and was pretty easy. Questions like 'It is buy one get one free on fish fingers. They are £1.20, you have £5 how many can you get?

The literacy test was a sample of writing from a non native speaker, you had to identify excess words, insert missing words, explain mistakes and the meaning behind the mistakes. Then there were a few questions about the different tenses, stress and phonemes in words.

All in all, it was really not that stressful (especially after some of the interviews I have had coming back to the UK!!)

As I am hoping to specialise in ESOL, if they do accept me I would have to have another interview with the ESOL department as well.

They said they should let me know within 3 weeks. You either get a yes, no or a reserve. A reserve is they want you on the course but can't guarantee you a placement, so are looking for one.

So let's see.......

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