Sunday, August 01, 2010

Being a foreigner

What has really struck me in Joinville is that I don't stand out. I am so used to being in Korea and sticking out like a sort thumb. In some ways it is really annoying constantly being stared at. In other ways it gives you a lot more leeway for getting away with things! People tend not to ask you do surveys or harass you to sign up for credit cards etc.

However Joinville is made up of German, Swiss and Norwegian immigrants, so I don't stick out. In one way this really nice, I don't feel as self concious and I can blend in. But it also means that people do ask you to sign up for credit cards or try and advise you on what iron to buy, or if you want to use your hipermarket card. Then when you dumbly stare at them, they just think you are an ignorant person. Hence why 'Nao fala Portuguese, eu sou inglesa' is the phrase I am using the most at the moment!

There is a great quote at school:
I'm a world citizen
the whole world is my home
I am not a foreigner
no matter where I roam

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