Sunday, June 05, 2005

ok so the link didnt work!


  1. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Hey Joss,
    Liking the pics and glad to read that you are having a good time. We look forward to your return and all your stories and experiences.
    The Sparks

  2. Anonymous6:10 pm

    Hi Joss,

    Wow, it sounds like such an amazing experience you're having. You're doing well looking after all those kids! It's interesting stuff reading what you've been up to and the pictures are great. I hope you continue enjoying yourself, and hopefully I'll get round to seeing you when you get back!


  3. Anonymous10:09 am

    Hey Joss
    Well i can't believe that you are coming home as soon as you are? Has it really been nearly 4 weeks already?!?! The things that you have done and the places that you have been to all sound amazing, i can't wait for you to tell me all your stories. Enjoy your last few days and i will see you soon, i have stories of my own to tell you. Take care Simone x x

  4. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Hey Joss,

    It is very fun looking at your pics and reading your blog - I also can't believe you only have a week left! Wish I could have stayed longer to experience Brazil - you are so lucky! Would love to hear more about the Insight house and new volunteers!

    All the best,
