I was toying with the idea of do a Spanish course in Spain and trying to find a TEFL job there. I was also thinking about Italy. I thought that learning Spanish would be more useful and open up places in South America as well. I was also thinking about applying for a PGCE, however being in South Korea meant I could not attend interviews, so I would have to wait to apply until 2011. If I was in Spain it would be really easy to pop back to the UK for the interviews.
I had been applying for jobs and uploading my CV on to various teaching websites. I had some response from a job in Spain and had someone get in touch with me about a few jobs in Korea.
A friend then posted an opportunity in Joinville, Brazil starting in February ending in July. My contract doesn't end until May but sent off my CV anyway saying I would be available in July, if another position opened up.
I got a really positive response and lo and behold, looks like my next TEFL oppourtunity will be in Joinville, Santa Catrina, Brazil!

The school has been going to 20 years and has kids from 18 months up to teenagers. I will be responsible for teaching the pre-teens and teens! What I really love about the school is that they teach English through science and art projects. They do lots of different and meaningful projects, as opposed to following a text book.
Apparently the teenagers are going to start in February a project about "The Wave", talking about autocracy.
I get my own studio (phewww! I love having my own little place, SK spoilt me!), they pay for my flights, and will also pay for me to study Portuguese at a university!
I am sooo excited about this opportunity, it combines teaching, art, and Brazil. I have always wanted to go back to Brazil and I now I get to!
Joinville is going to be completely different to Salvador. About 50% of the population is from German descent. I think this might be good that it will be totally different. I am not sure if I am just remembering Salvador and Brazil through rose tinted glasses as it was my first solo travel experience that pretty much kicked off my life. So it being a brand spanking new place means I won't compare it to Salvador, yet I will still be in Brazil!
Have a look at this video tour of Joinville here. and one here.
So 2010, so far seems to be bringing some amazing opportunities and again I feel so thankful that I am able to do all this travel, experience new cultures all under the guise of teaching English!
This job just sort of happened and fell into place, so my luck still continues...... :D