Last Friday, a newbie arrived, who I had been in touch with prior to her arriving. Unfortunately her apartment wasn't ready, so she spent the weekend at mine.
On the Friday night Louise and I had planned a couple a girl make up evening, then out in 'The Goon'. This managed to turn into an impromptu gathering of teachers and a few guys from Base in my little studio! The most people I have had in here yet.
I also webcamed with come of my colleagues from Cross-Cultural Solutions. It was soooooo good to see them all and made me cry! I love travelling, going to new places and meeting new people. But it also means you leave lots of good friends behind!
We decided to head out (by this time Joanna's jetlag had hit and she had passed out on mu bed!) We went out for a few drinks, then headed to Noreabang. I cannot express my love for noreabang in words. I am an awful singer but it is just sooooooo much fun!
This is an action shot of us being hit by a fabulous wave of noreabang while singing Bohemian Rhapsody!

The next day I was feeling pretty tender but as it was Joanna's first proper day, we went for a trundle around the Goon. We went to the fabulous Music cafe for a few hours and chatted to the owner through his 8 year old son, went for a wander around Eunpa Park and then went for some dinner.
We then met up with some other teachers for what was going to be one drink, then we met up with some other teachers. Then a car drove past, shouting my name and it was the guys from Base from the night before, so they joined us. Before I knew it, there was a huge crowd of us and it was 3am!!
On the Sunday we pretty much chilled for most of the day and then headed to Lotte Mart. For .... FOUR HOURS!!!! Joanna wanted to look at everything and I wanted to shoot myself!!
The nit was back to work. I think work is a little worried about me leaving because of the 'personality conflicts' between my co-workers.
They have said I can do flexi-time and come in at 1 most days instead of 11 and are also giving me a small bonus. To be honest it is not that bad. I have dealt with much worse but it is a little childish and unprofessional with games of 'He said/she said'. I am just keeping my head down, working hard and trying to not get involved.
I was also asked if I was going to renew my contract..... I am happy here, I am really enjoying the teaching, love have my studio etc. But I am just not feeling South Korea. When I was in Brazil and Ghana, I LOVED it. I just don't have that same passion for South Korea. If this job and situation were in Brazil I would re-sign immediately! I am definitely thinking teaching/teaching English is the route I want to take but I just need to decide where!!!
Victoria brought me round an oven last week so with all this spare time, I decided to bake a cake.
First of all it is mainly a rotisserie oven. Second the instructions are in Korean. Third there is no temperature adjustment. I also have no scales, so measuring out the ingredients was a guessing came also.
So I had finally made the mixture put in the oven on the rack, thinking it would be best near the top. Turned the oven on and the rotisserie think kicked in. The cake turned upside and spilt most of the mixture. Cleaned it up sorted it out and put it back in. The smoke started to come from the oven. I had not got all of the mixture off the oven.
Then I burnt one side of it, then the top. But still not a bad effort for my first try. I think I have an idea of how to control it all now!

This weekend I am heading to Seonyu Island to see it before it starts to get cold. The weather has really started to cool down and is really lovely at the moment. It is sunny and nice but I am not sweating profusely like previous months!!
Mmmmm- oven botom cake! I always knew you were an excellent chef!s