My life is so difficult....... NOT!
This week was another 4 day week because it is Chusok, basically the Korean thanksgiving.
I went for coffee with Victoria last night and she gave me a pear and an apple as a Chusok present. KM today gave me a gift set containing 6 tubes of toothpaste, moisturiser, shampoo and conditioner.

(The Koreans loooove their toothpaste and always brush their teeth after every meal, so I am assuming why there were 5 tubes in the gift set.)
One of my adult students made me some biscuits, as she handed them to me she told me 'they are not delicious'. Actually they were pretty good.
Also speaking of pears, Korean pears are HUGE. Jo brought me three over and they are MASSIVE!!!

I tried to make a pear cake to use some of the pears, but the oven is not really working out. It burnt the outside, and the inside was uncooked. :(
However the bonus is that is it a diet oven, so obviously everything that comes out of it has no calories!

Tonight I went out for dinner to Green Sky, Jo and I were there on Saturday as well. It is also the place I went for my Birthday. Turns out the staff remember me, especially the Chef. He actually speaks really good English and loves Manchester (yay for Park Ji-Sung, alll Koreans know Manchester now). He actually came over to our table and gave me coupon for a 30% discount!
I was also given a bonus this week, handed to me in cash... in a blank envelope... Jo said this is the way Koreans do it, but still seems a little dodgy!
So life is pretty good at the moment, I really have nothing to complain about! :)
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