Thursday, June 25, 2009

Phones and weekend work!

The past couple of days have been pretty trying..
Wednesday last class was pretty difficult. The last class of the day is a mix of low level 3/4/5/6. So it is difficult in general as they do not understand much. They are also just bratty kids. This was the group that was slagging me off in Korean last Friday. I finally got them to understand that I wanted the to repeat after me, so then they started repeating EVERYTHING!!!! In the end I had to pull Daniel in as it was just going nowhere. Lo and behold the class started to run more smoothly, I think they were just as frustrated as me.

After the lesson, Daniel told me he had some news.... it turned out they want me to work on Saturday at the University to help with interviews for English camp. Which would have been fine if they had given me more than 3 days notice and I wasn't planning on going water skiing north of Seoul for Helen's birthday. I feel pretty sorry for Daniel, he also seems to give me bad news and my response is normally err no, I am not doing that. He said it was out of his control and he would talk to Sean at the uni and we would talk about it tomorrow.

Seriously South Korea is definitely teaching me to say no when I don't want to do something and stand up for myself.
So Jo came to pick me up to go and get a new phone, we picked up Helen from her house/Kindergarten as she lives at the Kindergarten and off we went. Ok to get a phone here you practically have to give blood! I had to sign millions of things, show several types of ID, all kinds. I finally got my hands on an an Ice cream phone!!

Because I did not get it until late, it wasn't supposed to register until today.
We then went for some dinner. I love eating here. I never feel full and bloated. We had about 20 side dishes with rice and about 8 different types of lettuce leaves. You basically take a bit of everything, wrap in the leaves and eat!!

I spoke to Andy ( or Mr Long the guy who picked me up) he was trying to get me to change my plans for the weekend, I said I had already paid and if I did not go I would lose the money. He said there would be 300 students there, so obviously they have known about this for a while.. but give me three days notice! I stood my ground and he said he would speak to his boss and call me back.... I am still waiting for the call.. so who knows what is happening.

Speaking of calls, tried to use my phone and it still wasn't registered. t turns out that because the KM helped me open a bank account with my passport, the bank do not think I live here, so my phone wont work until the bank see my Alien Registration card. So I am also not even sure if I have been paid.... who knows really.

Fortunately Saint Jo is picking me up at 9am tomorrow to go and sort it all out. Everything is such a process here and because I don't understand anything I never know if things have been done correctly, I always end up relying on poor Jo as KM is so incompetent. She said she would take me to get a phone next week... not sure how to get out of that one. May tell her tomorrow that got one in the morning and that was how I found out that my bank account was a dud. But then there will be sooo many questions, who took you, how much was it.. blah blah blah.

Fortunately Korean lessons/invasion was cancelled tonight, so I am spending the night by myself with some chocolate chip cookies and trying to figure out things on my phone! Going to get some sleep in preparation for WATER SKIING!!!!!!

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