It is actually really difficult! First you have to learn what the symbol is, then what sound it makes, then what sound it makes with all the other. Each symbol can be combined with other symbols to make a syllable, you then have to put all the syllables together. Then you finally have the whole word and what is sounds like. Then you have to figure out what that sound means!! It is like learning something 3 times!!!
Also some symbols are a G or K, P or B, or an L or an R. Which makes it even more difficult. This also explains why Koreans say lice instead of rice.
It has definitely made me respect my kindergarten classes for knowing their ABC's! And made me appreciate how much the students do know
I had to post this video. It cracks me up sooooo much. Daniel was trying to get the student to write their names but using their hips...
the results are veryyyyyy amusing!
This weekend I am off to mudfest. Yes it does exactly what it says on the tin. Practically every foreigner from the whole of South Korea will be there! The mus is supposed to be really good for your skin. Here's hoping because my face looks like a pepperoni pizza at the moment!
Also on a reflective note.. this week 3 years ago I first moved over to NYC to work for Cross-Cultural Solutions!!! I can't believe that is was 3 years ago! So much has happened since then. I have visited 6 countries, 14 states, moved back to the UK, moved over to South Korea, changed career direction, met hundreds of fabulous people and those are just the main things.
I am very grateful to CCS and everything I learnt there. Especially in regards to cultural differences and being flexible. It is definitely serving useful in dealing with KM! It has also helped me to embrace new cultures and helped me to integrate more efficiently and with less culture shock.
Moving to South Korea was a piece of cake compared to dealing with finding an apartment, sorting out my visa etc like I had to to in NYC! I just wish KM would realise that!
Oo, also managed to figure out how to get my pictures off my camera.
Here are some from the Music Museum on Sunday.
These are the tins for needles for gramophones

Well off to bed, its activity day tomorrow, doing sports with the kids and discussing families with the adults. Let's hope I don't stress out to many foetus'!
Well I'm proud of you, glad I was there at the beginning. Not birth obviously... Hope my shoulder has helped along the way... k xxx