Well.. back at uni and really all I do now is uni work!
At the mooment the project I am working on is The caravan of the Future project. I'm really enjoying what I'm doing, its a creache with huge inflatable pods that attach to the caravans so its all kiddie and bright colours.
Also going Salsa dance lessons with Ben's Mum! It good fun and gets me out the house.
And Im working towards my warrant to become a Brown Owl at Brownies!!!
But really that is my whole life at the moment!!!!! I really mean it!
Anyway only 6 months of uni left then I have to get a job in the real world!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
this is mainly for Grandad so he has something to look at while surfing the web!
i'm finally in a house that i will be staying in for at least 10 months - which is a really novelty! back in Huddersfield and start back at uni next week, its going to be sooooooo hard this year but hey.
well i am still alive and thought i should up date this!
oo and Grandad i had areally wierd dream that we both had a really high tech illeagal operation where we swapped lungs and hearts because yours were better than mine! very bizzare!
i'm finally in a house that i will be staying in for at least 10 months - which is a really novelty! back in Huddersfield and start back at uni next week, its going to be sooooooo hard this year but hey.
well i am still alive and thought i should up date this!
oo and Grandad i had areally wierd dream that we both had a really high tech illeagal operation where we swapped lungs and hearts because yours were better than mine! very bizzare!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Quick update!
Not sure if anyone reads this anymore but been soooooo busy the past few months.
Got back from Brazil stayed at home for a few days then went to Huddersfield, then Essex for Sara's wedding then Huddersfield then came home for a few days then went to Bulgaria for 2 weeks, then Helsby, then Huddersfield then Helsby, then Scarborough to work in a theatre for two weeks and absolutely loved it! Finished there on the Saturday and started back at Hollyoaks on the Monday - Paid!
So now sleeping on a bean bag in Amy-Lou's room while at Liverpool. Supposed to be working here for another 2 weeks. So feeling slightly like a hobo at the moment with no permanent abode!!!!
Got back from Brazil stayed at home for a few days then went to Huddersfield, then Essex for Sara's wedding then Huddersfield then came home for a few days then went to Bulgaria for 2 weeks, then Helsby, then Huddersfield then Helsby, then Scarborough to work in a theatre for two weeks and absolutely loved it! Finished there on the Saturday and started back at Hollyoaks on the Monday - Paid!
So now sleeping on a bean bag in Amy-Lou's room while at Liverpool. Supposed to be working here for another 2 weeks. So feeling slightly like a hobo at the moment with no permanent abode!!!!
Monday, June 13, 2005
I'm Home
Friday was my last day at Frutes de Maes, just as i walked throught the door all the kds came running towards me and that was it i started crying then! They gave me aposter they had made with hearts on and their names in the hearts then they had alll put lipstick on and kissed it! They sang me lots of songs and gave me lots of hugs and it was soooo sad. at one point they were all singing 'I'm a little square of tin' that I had taught them, it was such a good ending!
tehn when and filmed some of the capoeira guys doing capoeira and watched the sun go down by the lighthouse.
That night we went out and saw the drumming, went to the samba club and drank quite a bit!
Towards the end of the night I was talking to Adriano for about an hour in Portuguese and I understood at least 70% of what he was saying!!! i was so chuffed with myself!!
it was really sad to leave but i had a 'totally awesome' (got that in for you guys - Whitney, Alex Jen and Arian!) but i wanted to leave on a good note.
Fortunately all my flights went really well, even though I was still on the plane from Salvador when my heathrow flight in Sau Paulo had started boarding but I made it with out any delays and all my luggage - which wasnt over the internal luggage allowance.
all in all it was such a fantastic experience i cant really put it all down in words.
Thanks for everyones help guys!!!!
Friday was my last day at Frutes de Maes, just as i walked throught the door all the kds came running towards me and that was it i started crying then! They gave me aposter they had made with hearts on and their names in the hearts then they had alll put lipstick on and kissed it! They sang me lots of songs and gave me lots of hugs and it was soooo sad. at one point they were all singing 'I'm a little square of tin' that I had taught them, it was such a good ending!
tehn when and filmed some of the capoeira guys doing capoeira and watched the sun go down by the lighthouse.
That night we went out and saw the drumming, went to the samba club and drank quite a bit!
Towards the end of the night I was talking to Adriano for about an hour in Portuguese and I understood at least 70% of what he was saying!!! i was so chuffed with myself!!
it was really sad to leave but i had a 'totally awesome' (got that in for you guys - Whitney, Alex Jen and Arian!) but i wanted to leave on a good note.
Fortunately all my flights went really well, even though I was still on the plane from Salvador when my heathrow flight in Sau Paulo had started boarding but I made it with out any delays and all my luggage - which wasnt over the internal luggage allowance.
all in all it was such a fantastic experience i cant really put it all down in words.
Thanks for everyones help guys!!!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
some of the locals
this was taken in Place de Se the happening place to be, these guys tuaght me all the dances and are normaly at the front leading the crowds!
the new crowd!
this is the first tuesday the new lot had been out- as usual they were not dissapointed
nearly time to go!
i was really on the brink of staying i really was.
Im having such a good time and i love being with the kids but i think i shouldleave on a high note.
Last night i watched the sun go down by the elevator over the lower city eating corn on the cob and just watching the world go by. Then in the evening obvoiusly it wasall the drumming. You really cannot understand how fantastic it is, there is so much energy and such a good feeling, thats why i though i wanted to stay.
I feel like i have made a difference even though i may have not done much. i know this sounds corny (oh my god im turning into an american!) but someone said that if the kida come running up to you then your in their hearts and they do so I am hoping that they will remember me. Sometimes I feel really proudof myself for coming here by my self but the teacher in my room is also a volunteer and works 7.30-5.30 everyday for nothing,so am i really helping.
I was talking to Taz our driver and he was daying how mcuh respect he has for us and the fact that we pay to come over here and work with people who need it, that waswhen i realised that i have made some sort of a differnce. the people here are so grateful for what seems like so little to me.Juststupidthings like teaching the kids a song, my teacher finds it really funny to drag anyone whos passing into the room and makes me sing im a littel square of tin or head shoulders knees and toes in portuguese! so if nothing i provided some sort of entertainment anyway!!!
also if i dont go out we just sit and chat and i feel ive learnt so much about other cultures as well and just different places and people - mainly americans but hey!
Im normally the really chatty one but recently ive justsatand listened to ther peoples opinions and feel ive sort of grown in myself.
I think i can really go out and do anything know i have so much i can offer,these kids have nothing and they are so happy, it makes me feel really grateful for what i do have and for my family and for all the opportunities i have and hopefully will have.
soenough of the gushing and thank you to everyone who has supported me trust meit was reallly really really worth it!
oo and a really old boke proposed to me today aswell!!!!
Im having such a good time and i love being with the kids but i think i shouldleave on a high note.
Last night i watched the sun go down by the elevator over the lower city eating corn on the cob and just watching the world go by. Then in the evening obvoiusly it wasall the drumming. You really cannot understand how fantastic it is, there is so much energy and such a good feeling, thats why i though i wanted to stay.
I feel like i have made a difference even though i may have not done much. i know this sounds corny (oh my god im turning into an american!) but someone said that if the kida come running up to you then your in their hearts and they do so I am hoping that they will remember me. Sometimes I feel really proudof myself for coming here by my self but the teacher in my room is also a volunteer and works 7.30-5.30 everyday for nothing,so am i really helping.
I was talking to Taz our driver and he was daying how mcuh respect he has for us and the fact that we pay to come over here and work with people who need it, that waswhen i realised that i have made some sort of a differnce. the people here are so grateful for what seems like so little to me.Juststupidthings like teaching the kids a song, my teacher finds it really funny to drag anyone whos passing into the room and makes me sing im a littel square of tin or head shoulders knees and toes in portuguese! so if nothing i provided some sort of entertainment anyway!!!
also if i dont go out we just sit and chat and i feel ive learnt so much about other cultures as well and just different places and people - mainly americans but hey!
Im normally the really chatty one but recently ive justsatand listened to ther peoples opinions and feel ive sort of grown in myself.
I think i can really go out and do anything know i have so much i can offer,these kids have nothing and they are so happy, it makes me feel really grateful for what i do have and for my family and for all the opportunities i have and hopefully will have.
soenough of the gushing and thank you to everyone who has supported me trust meit was reallly really really worth it!
oo and a really old boke proposed to me today aswell!!!!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
ok so the link didnt work!
bom dia!
just found out that Frutos de Maes has there own blog, obviously its all in portuguese but it some before photos of the building being built
click o nthe link below to have a look!
got 11 new people yesterday, was really strange having a full house nearly - well the fullest ivE ever seen it! everyone is from the US.
This weekend has been quite boring really coz of the rain and coz we normally travel over the weekend, oh well never mind.
click o nthe link below to have a look!
got 11 new people yesterday, was really strange having a full house nearly - well the fullest ivE ever seen it! everyone is from the US.
This weekend has been quite boring really coz of the rain and coz we normally travel over the weekend, oh well never mind.
the stick houses
this is what we were supposed to cross to get to see the houses
the stick houses
this is where all of my kids live, there werent many in that days the rain had made it hard for them to leave the house
making hats!
this was quite succesful actually, they liked the fact they had something each
singing head, shoulders knees and toes!
i can sing most of it in portuguese as well now!!
Friday, June 03, 2005
still raining!
yes its still raining and iam hiding in the same internet cafe - i have bee nhome though!
trying to think what ive been doing.....
wednesday night we had a capoeira show at the other house wit hthe insight lot, was very good but we needed a bigger space as one of them kicked the fridge!
also had a trip to a COOP place where some women made mosaics, unfortunately it had bee nrobbed the night before and they had smashed the place up and stolen lots of machinary. they are only just making ends meet anyway.
today we went to visit the stick house wher all my kids live. As its been raining so much we couldnt go across and see in them and see them as it was a huge bog. But just seeing the outside of the mwas enough.
they literally are house precariously balanced on sticks - oh my goodness it just started absolutely bucketing it down!!!!!! - anyway the houses are made of what ever they can get their hands on. the water they are above is filthy and this is where they get their fish to eat from!
I cant believe i´ve only got a week left, it feels like ive not bee nat home for years but at the same time doesnt feeel like ive been here that long.
oh well bye!
trying to think what ive been doing.....
wednesday night we had a capoeira show at the other house wit hthe insight lot, was very good but we needed a bigger space as one of them kicked the fridge!
also had a trip to a COOP place where some women made mosaics, unfortunately it had bee nrobbed the night before and they had smashed the place up and stolen lots of machinary. they are only just making ends meet anyway.
today we went to visit the stick house wher all my kids live. As its been raining so much we couldnt go across and see in them and see them as it was a huge bog. But just seeing the outside of the mwas enough.
they literally are house precariously balanced on sticks - oh my goodness it just started absolutely bucketing it down!!!!!! - anyway the houses are made of what ever they can get their hands on. the water they are above is filthy and this is where they get their fish to eat from!
I cant believe i´ve only got a week left, it feels like ive not bee nat home for years but at the same time doesnt feeel like ive been here that long.
oh well bye!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
we hiding in an internet cafe coz its chucking it down!!!
well monday was definately trying. The kids are fine until we sit them down for lunch and then the teacher leaves me with them to get lunch ready.There were to boys that were fighting - i mean kicking biting punching andspitting at each other. If i held them apart they screamed but as soon as i let go they started again and started screaming, It was awful.i could just not control them. its hard enough anyway with the language barrier.i had to drag them apart.
I didsee something a bit disturbing though, one of the kids was beating one of the dolls with here flip flop, so shes obviously seen or had that done to her.
Anyway yesterday was better,we made collage pictures and that kept them amused for about half an hour - very long time for them!
also had my 3rd capeoria lessons - i am still rubbish but its making me very bendy!!!
of coursewent to see the drumming again -inever get tired of the drumming, i bought a CD but its just not the same. Everyone justwonders up following the band and strutting their funky stuff i love it!!!!
Today was good i taught the kids some dances to the drumming that i was taught last night bysome of the lads we hang around with, they werent that interested but it kept them amused for a bit.
got a capoeira show tonight with other the insight group(who only come for a week) at their house - which has a swimming pool!how unfair!!!
ooo and also monday was good in the end coz i hada capoeira lesson by myself so i hadto get the bus by myself for the first time! iwas quite proud of my self!!!!
anyway going to get the bus home in the rain!!!
well monday was definately trying. The kids are fine until we sit them down for lunch and then the teacher leaves me with them to get lunch ready.There were to boys that were fighting - i mean kicking biting punching andspitting at each other. If i held them apart they screamed but as soon as i let go they started again and started screaming, It was awful.i could just not control them. its hard enough anyway with the language barrier.i had to drag them apart.
I didsee something a bit disturbing though, one of the kids was beating one of the dolls with here flip flop, so shes obviously seen or had that done to her.
Anyway yesterday was better,we made collage pictures and that kept them amused for about half an hour - very long time for them!
also had my 3rd capeoria lessons - i am still rubbish but its making me very bendy!!!
of coursewent to see the drumming again -inever get tired of the drumming, i bought a CD but its just not the same. Everyone justwonders up following the band and strutting their funky stuff i love it!!!!
Today was good i taught the kids some dances to the drumming that i was taught last night bysome of the lads we hang around with, they werent that interested but it kept them amused for a bit.
got a capoeira show tonight with other the insight group(who only come for a week) at their house - which has a swimming pool!how unfair!!!
ooo and also monday was good in the end coz i hada capoeira lesson by myself so i hadto get the bus by myself for the first time! iwas quite proud of my self!!!!
anyway going to get the bus home in the rain!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
the few days away was really good, probably only worth going for 1 night though.
We went to a turtle reserve and just mooched about on the beach and went for a trip to a local tree forest reserve thing. that was fun.
missed our stop on the way home though and ended up in the middle of the favellas, never trust men go with your own instincts!!!
anyway not much to say.
Melissa left today as well so now theres only 6.
bye Melissa , take care and keep in touch!!!
We went to a turtle reserve and just mooched about on the beach and went for a trip to a local tree forest reserve thing. that was fun.
missed our stop on the way home though and ended up in the middle of the favellas, never trust men go with your own instincts!!!
anyway not much to say.
Melissa left today as well so now theres only 6.
bye Melissa , take care and keep in touch!!!
our tour car thing when we went to the forest
this is Chris and Brittany in the car thing! it was really bumpy but a good way to see the place!
one of the views from the car thing
this was one of the views out of the buggy thing!
the beach near where we stayed
this was near our pousada not as cheap as last time but still only 8 pounds!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
just a quick one!
just a quick one seeing as I~m downloading some photos.
Had my first caperio lesson in the middle of a square with quite a few people watching. it was fun but I am sooo not flexiable enough;
Its a public holiday tomorrow and friday so were goin away for a few days to a beach with turtles!!!
anyway its still all good!!
Had my first caperio lesson in the middle of a square with quite a few people watching. it was fun but I am sooo not flexiable enough;
Its a public holiday tomorrow and friday so were goin away for a few days to a beach with turtles!!!
anyway its still all good!!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Morro de Sau Paulo
This weekend 5 of us went to one of the islands. It was about a 2 1/2 boat ride but seeing as our boat broke down it was an hour more. Think of a tropical island and multiple the beauty of it by 100 and this is what this place was like. Our pousada (bed and breakfast) cost about 4 pounds. it was clean and small but 4 pounds for breakfast as well!!!
We spent most of the time on the beach and shopping in the little stalls. I got a bit burnt. But it was such an amazing place. We met a bloke from Australia as well so he stayed with us but stayed an extra night.
We didn't want to come home and it was also really sad because some people had left.
So bye Stephanie. Trisha, Yoka and Frank - stay in touch we miss you already!!!
Today at work was good, I took some bubble mixture which they loved and we also made spirally wind mobile things. They look good hung on the window but some did get ripped but I expected that.
I just want to reassure everyone that I am having such a fantastic time. I keep getting "oh my goodness I'm in Brazil moments" but in a really good way.
I am soo glad I decided to do this and although I sometime feel like I'm not contributing anything to the kids just by playing with them helps. Thanks to Carol my brown owl for teaching me I'm a little square of tin, they looove that song!!!
The kids are sooooooo adorable, I took photos of them all and am having them printed out now. I'm going to do photo frames for them and keep a copy for myself. This is mainly to help me learn their names!!!
anyway I do apologise for the spelling, but I'm at an internet cafe so time is money - ok so only 40p for an hour but sorry I have better things to be doing!!!
Keep leaving me lots of comments!!!
byeeeee xxxx
We spent most of the time on the beach and shopping in the little stalls. I got a bit burnt. But it was such an amazing place. We met a bloke from Australia as well so he stayed with us but stayed an extra night.
We didn't want to come home and it was also really sad because some people had left.
So bye Stephanie. Trisha, Yoka and Frank - stay in touch we miss you already!!!
Today at work was good, I took some bubble mixture which they loved and we also made spirally wind mobile things. They look good hung on the window but some did get ripped but I expected that.
I just want to reassure everyone that I am having such a fantastic time. I keep getting "oh my goodness I'm in Brazil moments" but in a really good way.
I am soo glad I decided to do this and although I sometime feel like I'm not contributing anything to the kids just by playing with them helps. Thanks to Carol my brown owl for teaching me I'm a little square of tin, they looove that song!!!
The kids are sooooooo adorable, I took photos of them all and am having them printed out now. I'm going to do photo frames for them and keep a copy for myself. This is mainly to help me learn their names!!!
anyway I do apologise for the spelling, but I'm at an internet cafe so time is money - ok so only 40p for an hour but sorry I have better things to be doing!!!
Keep leaving me lots of comments!!!
byeeeee xxxx
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The kitchen
The bloke is Alex, he teaches us portugeuse and also took us to the open market and we hade acooking lesson with him.
The girl in pick is Yoko shes only here for a week and the other is Grace she helps with placements but mainly the insight lot who are here for a week only
The girl in pick is Yoko shes only here for a week and the other is Grace she helps with placements but mainly the insight lot who are here for a week only
The lounge
this is the lounge area where we have meeting and chill
more of my kids!
These are the younger ones of the class
oh my goodness the kids are sooooo cute. I~m working with 3year olds and they dont understand that I dont speak Portugues. Today I tuaght them a song - well sort of they just laughed at me doing the actions and we did some colouring in.I~m trying to upload some photos but not sure if its working.
Yesterday we went to the open market which is where all the locals go, it was really interesting but gross. All the meat is just slapped on random surfaces with flies all over them. There were eyeballs and this man just holding an oxs leg and kept waving it at us!
I~m really enjoying my placment now they gave me some earrings to day. We weighed all the children too.
On tuesady we had a city tour which was really interesting and then we went to Pelirhino. O ntuesday nights they have a band on and random drumming going on about the streets. There are also loats of people doing caperio which is a type of martial arts dance thing. I was tried to be persuaded to do but I ran away.
Im really enjoying everything and totally feel settled in now.
Went to the beach today and was chatting to some bloke from Ghana and had the most delicious ice cream ever!!
Yesterday we went to the open market which is where all the locals go, it was really interesting but gross. All the meat is just slapped on random surfaces with flies all over them. There were eyeballs and this man just holding an oxs leg and kept waving it at us!
I~m really enjoying my placment now they gave me some earrings to day. We weighed all the children too.
On tuesady we had a city tour which was really interesting and then we went to Pelirhino. O ntuesday nights they have a band on and random drumming going on about the streets. There are also loats of people doing caperio which is a type of martial arts dance thing. I was tried to be persuaded to do but I ran away.
Im really enjoying everything and totally feel settled in now.
Went to the beach today and was chatting to some bloke from Ghana and had the most delicious ice cream ever!!
oh my goodness the kids are sooooo cute. I~m working with 3year olds and they dont understand that I dont speak Portugues. Today I tuaght them a song - well sort of they just laughed at me doing the actions and we did some colouring in.I~m trying to upload some photos but not sure if its working.
Yesterday we went to the open market which is where all the locals go, it was really interesting but gross. All the meat is just slapped on random surfaces with flies all over them. There were eyeballs and this man just holding an oxs leg and kept waving it at us!
I~m really enjoying my placment now they gave me some earrings to day. We weighed all the children too.
On tuesady we had a city tour which was really interesting and then we went to Pelirhino. O ntuesday nights they have a band on and random drumming going on about the streets. There are also loats of people doing caperio which is a type of martial arts dance thing. I was tried to be persuaded to do but I ran away.
Im really enjoying everything and totally feel settled in now.
Went to the beach today and was chatting to some bloke from Ghana and had the most delicious ice cream ever!!
Yesterday we went to the open market which is where all the locals go, it was really interesting but gross. All the meat is just slapped on random surfaces with flies all over them. There were eyeballs and this man just holding an oxs leg and kept waving it at us!
I~m really enjoying my placment now they gave me some earrings to day. We weighed all the children too.
On tuesady we had a city tour which was really interesting and then we went to Pelirhino. O ntuesday nights they have a band on and random drumming going on about the streets. There are also loats of people doing caperio which is a type of martial arts dance thing. I was tried to be persuaded to do but I ran away.
Im really enjoying everything and totally feel settled in now.
Went to the beach today and was chatting to some bloke from Ghana and had the most delicious ice cream ever!!
Monday, May 16, 2005
well eveyone Im here!!!
the Sau Paulo to Salvador flight was delayed but besides that it was all fine!
Had a massive culture shock on Saturday and did think oh my god what am I doing here but Ive settled down now.
There is two girls that have been here for 5 weeks already and they seem to know everything and can even speak the language now. We were taking to them and they warned us about all the crime etc and made me a bit scared to go out and really quite paranoid, when actually its fine.
We went to the square on Saturday night and had a wonder around bt there wasnt much happening. We did get harrassed by quite a lot of kids who try and tie things and your hand as a present and then harrass you to buy something.
Then on Sunday we went to the beach - it was gorgeous!!!
The food is really nice and loads of fresh fruit which is good.
Its not what I expected I dont know what I expected but this wasnt it.
The home base is really nice its on the side of a hill above a dual carriage way type thing so its quite noisey.
I went to visit my placment today its a day care centre with 300 kids!! I~m going to be working with the 1-2year olds who are so cute. They all just want to be hugged and have some attention. I got to visit all of everyones placement and some places were a bit of an eyopener and makes you realsie how good home is.
The centre I~m working at was founded by a woman who used to look after children in her stick house - which is litterally houses on sticks above water and sewage, beacsue they are so badly made the children often fell through the boards into the water and died, so the church gavethem some land and now they have a proper building.
Everyone here is either bery poor or very rich there is no inbetween.
I fell like Ive settled in a more now I was well bascailly freaking out on Saturday.
Also had some portugeuse lesons today as no at my placement speaks English - well its one way to learn the language fast!!!
If anyone wants to ring me then can about 9 or 11pm were normally around then, also I can txt and recieve texts on my phone!
But anyway Im all ok and safe, this internet cafe is only up the road so Ill try to keep uptodate!!
byeee!!! xxxx
the Sau Paulo to Salvador flight was delayed but besides that it was all fine!
Had a massive culture shock on Saturday and did think oh my god what am I doing here but Ive settled down now.
There is two girls that have been here for 5 weeks already and they seem to know everything and can even speak the language now. We were taking to them and they warned us about all the crime etc and made me a bit scared to go out and really quite paranoid, when actually its fine.
We went to the square on Saturday night and had a wonder around bt there wasnt much happening. We did get harrassed by quite a lot of kids who try and tie things and your hand as a present and then harrass you to buy something.
Then on Sunday we went to the beach - it was gorgeous!!!
The food is really nice and loads of fresh fruit which is good.
Its not what I expected I dont know what I expected but this wasnt it.
The home base is really nice its on the side of a hill above a dual carriage way type thing so its quite noisey.
I went to visit my placment today its a day care centre with 300 kids!! I~m going to be working with the 1-2year olds who are so cute. They all just want to be hugged and have some attention. I got to visit all of everyones placement and some places were a bit of an eyopener and makes you realsie how good home is.
The centre I~m working at was founded by a woman who used to look after children in her stick house - which is litterally houses on sticks above water and sewage, beacsue they are so badly made the children often fell through the boards into the water and died, so the church gavethem some land and now they have a proper building.
Everyone here is either bery poor or very rich there is no inbetween.
I fell like Ive settled in a more now I was well bascailly freaking out on Saturday.
Also had some portugeuse lesons today as no at my placement speaks English - well its one way to learn the language fast!!!
If anyone wants to ring me then can about 9 or 11pm were normally around then, also I can txt and recieve texts on my phone!
But anyway Im all ok and safe, this internet cafe is only up the road so Ill try to keep uptodate!!
byeee!!! xxxx
Friday, May 13, 2005
Bye England - Hello Brazil - well soon!
I set off to Heathrow in about an hour and a half, wit an extremely heavy bag, its amazing how heavy a few books are and some toiletries are!
I'm getting a bit excited now but not really looking forward to the really long flights. And knowing my track record, my 11 hours 40mins flight will be sitting next to some nutter!
I should be in Brazil about half 3 tomorrow (British time) so I'll try and update you all as soon as possible!
well.. Bye everyone!!
I'm getting a bit excited now but not really looking forward to the really long flights. And knowing my track record, my 11 hours 40mins flight will be sitting next to some nutter!
I should be in Brazil about half 3 tomorrow (British time) so I'll try and update you all as soon as possible!
well.. Bye everyone!!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The Weather
I am not impressed! The 5 day weather forcast for Salvador is thunder storms and rain!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
My Placement
Ok well hear is all the info I know about my placement!!
Starting to get excited now!!
Ben is slightly worried that I will get extremly broody though!
Name of the Partner Organization: Frutos de Mães
General Information about the Partner Organization:
The Community Day Care Frutos de Mães is an institution founded in 1999.
It is located in the neighborhood of Alagados and provides education for 250 children who live in poverty. It is mission is to guide and guarantee education for children ranging from ten months to six years old.
The main goal is to prepare these children to be accepted into a public school of the community.
Currently there are three pre-school classes, one kindergarten class and an English course for people of the community.
Besides, there is a nursery with 59 children from 10 months to one year. The teachers are people from the community who works as volunteers.
The financial support of this institution comes from the local government and by donations from the community.
Volunteers Duties:
The volunteers can develop recreational activities with the children helping the teachers taking care of the others needs.
Desired Attributes:
o Creativity to do arts and crafts activities with children
o Willingness to overcome to language barrier
o Patience and tolerance to deal with difficulties
Starting to get excited now!!
Ben is slightly worried that I will get extremly broody though!
Name of the Partner Organization: Frutos de Mães
General Information about the Partner Organization:
The Community Day Care Frutos de Mães is an institution founded in 1999.
It is located in the neighborhood of Alagados and provides education for 250 children who live in poverty. It is mission is to guide and guarantee education for children ranging from ten months to six years old.
The main goal is to prepare these children to be accepted into a public school of the community.
Currently there are three pre-school classes, one kindergarten class and an English course for people of the community.
Besides, there is a nursery with 59 children from 10 months to one year. The teachers are people from the community who works as volunteers.
The financial support of this institution comes from the local government and by donations from the community.
Volunteers Duties:
The volunteers can develop recreational activities with the children helping the teachers taking care of the others needs.
Desired Attributes:
o Creativity to do arts and crafts activities with children
o Willingness to overcome to language barrier
o Patience and tolerance to deal with difficulties
Monday, May 02, 2005
not long now!
Well its my last shift at the farm shop on Thursday, thenI fly dow nto see Ben in southampton on the monday and its Brazil on Friday the 13th!!
Got eveything pretty much sorted now, just need to find out what my placement is going to definately involve.
I have been so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone who has helped me, My family and friends, everyone at the farm shop and the customers. Its really been amazing. I just chat to the customers and they sponsor me, it gives me a bit of faith in the world again!
Thank you!!
Got eveything pretty much sorted now, just need to find out what my placement is going to definately involve.
I have been so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone who has helped me, My family and friends, everyone at the farm shop and the customers. Its really been amazing. I just chat to the customers and they sponsor me, it gives me a bit of faith in the world again!
Thank you!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
24 days to go!
Not long now, last injection on Monday - then that will have been 10 injections all together!!!
I dont mean to go on about this but another big massive thank you to everyone who has contributed towards Brazil. For Steven at the shops benefit you are not all paying for me to go on Holiday!!! I really want to help the people on my placement and I will be working - only 4-6 hours a day - but it will be hard and quite emotionally draining work. But again and again and again thank you everyone!
I dont mean to go on about this but another big massive thank you to everyone who has contributed towards Brazil. For Steven at the shops benefit you are not all paying for me to go on Holiday!!! I really want to help the people on my placement and I will be working - only 4-6 hours a day - but it will be hard and quite emotionally draining work. But again and again and again thank you everyone!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
less than a month to Brazil!
Well... Had my second rabies jab and my yellow fever yesterday and Renne rang me. She's going to be emailing me a list of everyone else who going to be at the hostel with me - oh my goodness its all starting to feel a bit real now! I'm also going to find out what my placement is going to definitely be. It doesn't feel like I'm actually going to go yet - but seeing as I'm all paid up be a bit silly not to! It's going to be a fantastic experience and I really want to be able to make a difference.
Also went in to my old High School today! It was so bizarre showing my old art teachers my uni work! Also they have given me £250 towards Brazil! I couldn't believe it I've just been working everything out and I've managed together about £2,000 which is fantastic - so huge, massive, whopping, great big thank you to everyone that's helped me and contributed.
I didn't realise I had that many friends!!!!
Also I feel the need to tell everyone that it is Daisy - my great Grandma's 100th Birthday party on Saturday! -100th!!!!!
Also went in to my old High School today! It was so bizarre showing my old art teachers my uni work! Also they have given me £250 towards Brazil! I couldn't believe it I've just been working everything out and I've managed together about £2,000 which is fantastic - so huge, massive, whopping, great big thank you to everyone that's helped me and contributed.
I didn't realise I had that many friends!!!!
Also I feel the need to tell everyone that it is Daisy - my great Grandma's 100th Birthday party on Saturday! -100th!!!!!
Cross-Cultural Solutions
Monday, April 04, 2005
Leaving comments!
If you want to leave me a comment ( -coz quite a few people I've spoke to do actually read this), click on the comments bit at the bottom of the entry and then click on post a comment.
It makes me look popular!
cheers guys!
It makes me look popular!
cheers guys!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Quick update
well just a quick update... not been doing much the last 2 weeks, having lots of injections and mooching around with Ben, went away to york to a farm cottage with a jacuzzi and suana- very nice!
Next big venture is project managing a new build for a farm shop I work at when I'm in Helsby - all very exciting!
Then its off to Brazil on the 14th May! feel slightly like a pin cusion at the moment with all the injections!
Next big venture is project managing a new build for a farm shop I work at when I'm in Helsby - all very exciting!
Then its off to Brazil on the 14th May! feel slightly like a pin cusion at the moment with all the injections!
Friday, March 18, 2005
See you later Hollyoaks!
well.... was my last day at Hollyoaks today - as a work experience girl hopefully!
I've had a fantastic time and really learnt lots - even if its only things like if a freezer had been turned off for 3 months and has cream trifles in then not to empty it as it will stink the whole building out!
I really enjoyed all the opportunites and enjoyed being on shoot but loved being on the dressing team.
I want to say thanks to everyone there especially those in the dressing department who made it fun so I didnt mind as much that I wasn't getting paid!
I will be back soon though hopefully!!
take care guys and thanks!!!
I've had a fantastic time and really learnt lots - even if its only things like if a freezer had been turned off for 3 months and has cream trifles in then not to empty it as it will stink the whole building out!
I really enjoyed all the opportunites and enjoyed being on shoot but loved being on the dressing team.
I want to say thanks to everyone there especially those in the dressing department who made it fun so I didnt mind as much that I wasn't getting paid!
I will be back soon though hopefully!!
take care guys and thanks!!!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Being an Extra!!
I've been on shoot for the past week which is definately a contrast from being on the dressing team. It seemed like you have less to do andthere is quite a bit ofsittingaround while they take etc. If there are 6 characters 1 on one side ofthe room and the others on the otherside of the room,they will shoot the whole scene facing one way and then the whole scene facingthe other way and then the whole scene again on each character. Its supposed to make it a lot easier when they are editing it, but you have to really watch the continuity side of it.
I've enjoyed being on shoot and it was interesting to watch but it's less hands on than the dressing team which I prefer.
However today I did get to be an extra - other you probably won't be able to see me at all! but hey its my claim to fame!
I've enjoyed being on shoot and it was interesting to watch but it's less hands on than the dressing team which I prefer.
However today I did get to be an extra - other you probably won't be able to see me at all! but hey its my claim to fame!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Going on shoot
I went on shoot on Thursday which was really interesting. I didn't really do much as it was outside the SU Bar so no props etc were used. It was interesting to see the different camera angles and when I watched it that night it all made sense. The Director was a nutter though!
The total so far for the sky dive has gone up to about £900 now! so all that side is going really well.
Also a big thank you to Roberts Bakery who have donated £50.
The total so far for the sky dive has gone up to about £900 now! so all that side is going really well.
Also a big thank you to Roberts Bakery who have donated £50.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Thank you!
I just want to say a huge thank you for everyones support! I've raised about £600!!!
thanks everyone!
thanks everyone!
the plane and opening the chute!
this is me just coming out of the plane and then when the chute opened after 30 seconds of freefall! it was amazing! I would highly recommend it!!!1
Friday, February 04, 2005
sky dive tomorrow!!!!
oh my goodness the time had nearly come for me to throw myself out of a plane!!
not really that nervous as I am not thinking about it too much!
I just want to say a massive thank you toeveryone who has supported me! You have all been so generous and I am really overwhelmed by you all!
I will hopefully post soepic of my dive tomorrow
Hollyoaks is still going really well I'm really enjoying it and loving all the hands on part of it
You WILL watch it over easter and you WILL appreciate all the bows as I spent 8 hours doing them all!
not really that nervous as I am not thinking about it too much!
I just want to say a massive thank you toeveryone who has supported me! You have all been so generous and I am really overwhelmed by you all!
I will hopefully post soepic of my dive tomorrow
Hollyoaks is still going really well I'm really enjoying it and loving all the hands on part of it
You WILL watch it over easter and you WILL appreciate all the bows as I spent 8 hours doing them all!
Friday, January 21, 2005
Well, what a hectic week!!
Mopved into the halls in Liverpool on Sunday night and started Hollyoaks on the monday.
Ihad so many names to learn and all the the sets are linked and its like ahuge maze.
Saw the majority of the cast during the week which was rather bizzare having lunch in the same canteen as them.
Also you much all watch out for the SU Bar on st. Patricks day, I helped dress that and did the stage that the the Kylie look-a-like comes through.
As yet I've not wlked in the back of any scences as I tend to avoid any wires that may lead to the crew and if its quiet then I appraoch very carefully untill they start making frantic hand singnils at me to say they are rolling.
I'm really enjoying it but its long hours considering I'm not getting paid. I did an 11 hour day on my second day.
Its really strange going on all the sets they are so much smaller. Also the Taylor-Burtons house, the Deans and the Cunnighams are all on Brookside close, so been there a couple of times.
The girls on my floor are really nice as well wich all helps not that I'm really there and when I am I just want to sleep.
Also was in the Chronicle today with my skydive - nearly 2 weeks!
Cheesy photo as usual and got he Northwich Gardian coming tomorrow - oo I'm such a celebrity!!
Well neary the end of an extremly manic week!
Mopved into the halls in Liverpool on Sunday night and started Hollyoaks on the monday.
Ihad so many names to learn and all the the sets are linked and its like ahuge maze.
Saw the majority of the cast during the week which was rather bizzare having lunch in the same canteen as them.
Also you much all watch out for the SU Bar on st. Patricks day, I helped dress that and did the stage that the the Kylie look-a-like comes through.
As yet I've not wlked in the back of any scences as I tend to avoid any wires that may lead to the crew and if its quiet then I appraoch very carefully untill they start making frantic hand singnils at me to say they are rolling.
I'm really enjoying it but its long hours considering I'm not getting paid. I did an 11 hour day on my second day.
Its really strange going on all the sets they are so much smaller. Also the Taylor-Burtons house, the Deans and the Cunnighams are all on Brookside close, so been there a couple of times.
The girls on my floor are really nice as well wich all helps not that I'm really there and when I am I just want to sleep.
Also was in the Chronicle today with my skydive - nearly 2 weeks!
Cheesy photo as usual and got he Northwich Gardian coming tomorrow - oo I'm such a celebrity!!

Well neary the end of an extremly manic week!
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Hi everyone!
Well this is the first entry whoohoo - big thanks to Karen Belton for doing my website and setting everything up as I didn't have a clue.
Not really much to report at the momentt, just sittingin waiting for the Chester Chronicle to come and take my photo.
Start at Hollyoaks tomorrow. I'm stayingin Hope Park Halls of residence. It seems ok, shared bathrooms and I'm on a room only basis, whereas the halls are catered for so the kitchen is miniscule.
I'm not too nervous at the moment but am a bit worried that I'm going to randomly walk on set in the background as the rooms are all interlinked and I'll probably get lost!
well I'll keep you updated - if I can actually work this!!
Not really much to report at the momentt, just sittingin waiting for the Chester Chronicle to come and take my photo.
Start at Hollyoaks tomorrow. I'm stayingin Hope Park Halls of residence. It seems ok, shared bathrooms and I'm on a room only basis, whereas the halls are catered for so the kitchen is miniscule.
I'm not too nervous at the moment but am a bit worried that I'm going to randomly walk on set in the background as the rooms are all interlinked and I'll probably get lost!
well I'll keep you updated - if I can actually work this!!
Dinner at Seb's house!
Just trying to figure out how to post photos so I can post lots of photos when I'm in Brazil. Not sure if this is the right way though!
Saturday, January 15, 2005
This is the first post
This isn't Joss but her lovely website designer... Her wewbsite is now up and running I am just trying to set her blog up... Free is good!
this is just a test
this is just a test
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